On February 9, 2020, I delivered a message to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Newburyport titled, "You Must First Be My Ally". I opened my message by saying [T]oday Social justice activists frequently remind us of Black victims who have suffered at the hands of white supremacists. We have grown accustomed to folks reading old names and adding new names to a list of oppressed people. To be my friend, you must first be my ally. I outlined ways in which white people can be my friend here in the video. My talk starts at 34 minutes.
I delivered the annual William Lloyd Garrison Lecture starting at 18 minutes. My lecture is entitled, The Gospel According to William Lloyd Garrison.
Newburyport's inaugural celebration of Junteenth. My talk starts at 4:40
Being Black in white spaces: A Brave talk toward Anti-racism